I have the pleasure of conducting a VeriSign-sponsored, IT Security-hosted, webinar next Wednesday on web site security. Given the prevalence of web site attacks, this is pretty timely. I hope you can check it out.
3 Tactics for Securing Your Website and Driving Trust, Customers and RevenueDate: Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Time: 1PM ET / 10AM PT
If your customers visit your website and don’t think it’s secure, they won’t buy from you. Secure your transactions. Join this FREE live webinar to learn 3 ways your company can ensure your website is secure and you can improve transactions with your customers.
Get 3 easy tactics to secure your website now and drive trust, customers and revenue:
• Strategy to drive trust, customers and revenue by securing your website
• What are the costs and risks to online customers and your business
• Why you need to secure your e-commerce site
• 3 easy tactics to secure your website NOW
A Chance to Win
Live attendees will be entered for a chance to win an iPod Nano. One winner will be selected from the audience by random drawing.*
If you’re interested but can’t attend the live event, register today and we will send you a link to the on-demand archive when available.
We look forward to having you join us.
Featured Speakers:
Eric Ogren is the founder and principal analyst of the Ogren Group. Ogren’s background features over 15 years of enterprise security experience, becoming a highly regarded industry analyst. Coverage areas include virtualization security, alignment of security technologies with business requirements, evolution of endpoint security, authenication and user identity protection, application security, managing security in large enterprise environments, and consumer privacy issues. Prior to starting The Ogren Group, Ogren served as security analyst for the Yankee Group and ESG. Ogren has also served as vice president of marketing at security startups Okena, Sequation and Tizor. Additional vendor-side experience includes product leadership roles at RSA Security and Digital Equipment. Ogren holds a B.S. degree in mathematics from the University of Massachusetts and an M.S. degree in Computer Science from Boston University.
Ryan White is SSL Product Marketing Manager at VeriSign, Inc. Ryan has been at VeriSign for over 3 years helping to educate businesses about how to protect their site and customers with encryption technology.
Michael Oliver-Goodwin is a Contributing Editor of IT Security. He is a widely published writer and an experienced editor for publications, including PC World, MacWeek and InfoWorld.
*Employees of associated companies are not eligible for drawing. Person must live in the US to be eligible. Winner is chosen at random. Winner will be notified at the conclusion of the live webinar. One prize will be given out per person selected from the drawing.